I will stop sharing 1500 word Facebook posts. Instead I will do what every sensible person did over a decade ago: get a blog. I plan to cover a wide range of topics. Current events, pop culture, sports, health and wellness, parenthood, food, education, nothing will be off limits. The tone might be sober; it might be irreverent; it might be nothing but Big Lebowski quotes. But I hope my deep love and admiration for this big, messy experiment we call humanity always shines through.

Why not just tweet? Why do I want to blog? Does it not reek of ego to shove my inexpert opinions into the ether without the filter of an editor or publisher? Yeah, it does. So here’s a bit about me. I am a musician, a fiber artist, a father of three, and I have suffered from mental illness to varying degrees my entire adult life. As I age I withdraw further and further from my community. In short, I don’t talk to people much anymore, and I have made a shaky peace with that. Although resigned to a dormant mouth, my brain triggers obsessive mental and emotional cartwheels when confronted by subjects about which I care deeply. I can’t turn it off; I often can’t sleep; and I desperately want to be heard. These episodes can last a few weeks, meaning I often can’t stop scribbling about yesterdays news. Left shark, anyone? Didn’t think so.

So what in God’s name am I blathering about? Beats me. I probably wouldn’t follow me. Still I would be honored by and grateful to any who do. Cheers!


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